We survey some big picture ideas relating trans-chromatic phenomenon in stable homotopy theory to symmetries in quantum field theory.
Counting loops in -spaces with Morava K-theory
Let be a -finite -group in Anima. See pi-finite p-spaces. There’s a remarkable formula relating two invariants assigned to
where the LHS is defined as alternating sum of dimensions in -cohomology
Remark: It’s a result of Ravenel-Wilson that each term here is finite.
The formula says that the -Euler characteristic counts -fold free loops in up to homotopy.
Detecting chromatic height
Taking the order cyclic group, the space can be used to “detect chromatic height” in the following setting.
Let be a “cohomological (skew-) field”: that is, a ring spectrum such that every left -module is free. The action of on gives us a left -module, which by the hypothesis of being a field, is free. Hence, it either
- (a) has infinite rank, in which case we say has height
- (b) has finite rank for some integer , here we say has height
(That these are the only finite ranks is a calculation).
Example The Morava -theory is a cohomological field of height , hence, we have
This means… height Euler characteristic of is ?
-finite gauge theory
A classical gauge theory is a theory of classical gauge fields. For example, we can fix a gauge group , and a very simple version of gauge theory say that a gauge field living on spacetime manifold is a locally-constant -torsor.
A locally-constant -torsor on is classified by a map of anima
\varphi: \pi_\infty(M) \to BG $$ These live in a anima encoding the space of classical fieldsM^{BG}:=Map_S(\pi_\infty M, BG)