We define an -category, an -monoid is an object in the -category
where the notation is explained in setting - presentable infinity categories.
Repeating this in the linear/stable setting, we’ll call the resulting objects -algebras:
These are symmetric monoidal, and coproducts coincide with pushouts.
Remark These are “symmetric monoidal categorification towers”.
Remark An object is data
- for each each
- equivalences
Remark this is an instance of what we’ll call a “soul spectrum” (or,… “spectre & spectres?“) - a spectrum object in -categories, at a certain -connective limit
Brauer groups for omega-monoids constr - module omega-monoids
Example ()
- Consider traces in this context
- What’s the relevant GOODWILLIE CALCULUS in this setting? (e.g., 1-excision should be relaxed to a lax-version). What thing “lax-stabilizes” to ? What “lax-semiaddivity” property is enjoyed by ?
- The fact that coproducts coincide tensor product in commutative algebras is an instance of this stability.
- Remark: this might be a good axiomatic characterization for that limit!