defn - fractal infinity category
Definition A pointed -category admitting finite products is said to be fractal if the functor
is an equivalence.
- This says 0-groups coincide with 1-groups, hence the fully invertible part of the categorification tower is constant.
- the 0-category (0-object in pointed categories) is fractal
- -categories of formal moduli problems are fractal.
Construction of Aut
Mimicking the construction in constr - unpointed toposic Koszul duality. This was also constructed in the work of Hoyois-Safranov-Schrotzeke-Sibilla on categorified traces.
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defn - (formal) moduli-objects in a pointed category
Definition Let be a pointed -category admitting finite products, the category of moduli objects of , is the largest fractal subcategory (defn - fractal infinity category) containing the basepoint.
Example Since is fractal, every pointed category (maybe we also need to contain sequences of subcategories) has a moduli completion.
Example (\infty-topoi) In particular, , this tells us that for any -topos , the global sections functor loses all data about the moduli completion . Hence, moduli completion only adds “local data”. Conversely, that has no trivial moduli-objects can be seen as recording the fact that sheaves on a point has no local data.
Example (Moduli completions) defn - moduli-completion of a category
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defn - moduli-completion of a category
Definition The moduli-completion of an -category in is given by
(here the RHS is moduli completion of pointed presheaves, see defn - (formal) moduli-objects in a pointed category)
Let be a non-unital -operad, a presentably symmetric monoidal stable -category. Let denote the Koszul dual operad. There’s an equivalence
That is, algebras over moduli-complete to algebras over .
Remark: even for , the LHS above generalizes the category of formal moduli constructed by Lurie, Gatisgory-Rozenblyum in several ways
- It makes sense for . Of particular interest are examples
- for an ring spectrum. For example,
- It might contain “curved deformations/formal moduli equipped with (non-flat connections/twisted D-modules)“.
Also, we expect to admit various full subcategories constructed using a generalization of the notion in defn - nilpotent maps of commutative ring spectra
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defn - functorial algebra tower
Definition: A functorial tower of algebras is the data of
- a functor
- a natural transformation
i.e. it’s the data for each a tower of non-unital algebras under , functorial in .
Examples include Goodwillie towers for all , the Cech/Amitsur filtration, and our conjectured Amitur filtrations.
Definition: An algebra is said to be -complete if the map
is an equivalence.
Generalizations: This obviously generalizes with replaced by an arbitrary -category.
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defn - nilpotent maps of commutative ring spectra
Let be a map of ring spectra. The kernel of the underlying -module map lifts to a non-unital algebra, we denote this object by .
Let be a functorial tower of algebras, as in defn - functorial algebra tower.
is said to be -nilpotent if is -complete.
In the following definitions we’ll fix a omit it from the notation.
Definition The category of formal -algebras, is full subcategory spanned by maps such that is -nilponent.
Definition The category of formal extensions of , is full subcategory spanned by maps such that is -nilponent.
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constr - unpointed toposic Koszul duality
Let be an -topos, and object. We construct an adjunction
Where the bottom category is defn - Symtr(X, C), category of symmetries of an object
takes to the symmetry given by .
takes an algebra acting on to the geometric realization of the simplicial object
The map is given by including the 0-th term in the simplicial object.
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