Here we collect some results on and - categorical descent on the stack . This will allow us to explain a relationship Complex Orientation and coherent Cochains.
We have the following -equivariant categories
- (Waldhaus 3.5.12)
- (Waldhaus 3.5.17)
Waldhaus.pdf constructs a -equivariant map of the underlying -categories
It’s a categorified version of the Sheering map, which is the functor (Waldhaus 3.5.9)
Remarkably, this turns out to be a -monoidal functor - we’ll come back to this point.
In the setting of 2-categorical G_m reps, there’s a symmetric monoidal functor Composing with we get a action on . In words, acts on by applying sheering to the translation symmetry of graded spectra.
Use sheering to understand Hochschild invariants!