By “matrix factorization”, we’ll refer to the general phenomenon that
- Descent data along is some circle action
That is, starting from data over the line, the stalk at the origin carries some additional symmetry, encoding infinitesimal data near the origin.
Remark: Observe that this immediately needs to be using an exceptional pushforward along the proper map 0: if we were to use the ordinary *-pushforward, the descent data would be trivial, as the functor constructing skyscrapers is fully faithful.
There are various contexts where this can be unpacked as explicit theorems:
- , this is firmly in the realm of ordinary higher algebra
- categorifications
- intermediate cases: e.g. sits between category level 1 and 2 (as the pointed connective 2-categories).
- , here the exceptional left adjoint computes derived de rham/crystalline cohomology
- equivariant version of all of the above.
- For example, in the case of , this is the content of Waldhaus.pdf, see Spectra as periodic 2-deformations. For example, this says that topological Fukaya categories (Dyckerhoff’s flavor) arise this way.
- Carefully unpacking the algebra case here should provide a setting for -rings in synthetic spectra and motivic filtrations, recollection - synthetic spectra, Even Cyclotomic Formal Geometry