A 1-category C can be viewed as data

State spaces:

  • , set of states on a point
  • set of states on 1-manifolds.

With structures:

  • maps restricting a state on a 1-manifold to states on the boundary
  • maps encoding how to glue states along shared boundaries The gluing data needs to be compatible/associative.

By a cut-and-paste argument, it turns out we really need to for a single case, namely being the closed interval , with boundary .

Let’s move up along the categorification ladder. A 2-category can be viewed as data

State spaces:

  • C(pt), C(M) for 1-manifolds with boundaries M, C(V) for 2-manifolds with corners V. Structures
  • Restrictions to boundaries, for both 2-manifolds and 1-manifolds (in particular, to corners)
  • Data gluing 2-manifolds along boundaries and corners

Now by cutting-and-pasting along triangulations of surfaces, we find that we only need to specify . where is viewed as manifold with boundary, and is viewed as a manifold with corners - these are the structures naturally present on the simplexes viewed as subsets of Euclidean space.

To bring homotopy theory into the