Let be a 2-dimensional complex vector space, we choose a basis .
Consider the algebra
the free associative algebra (tensor algebra) on two elements , in .
Explicitly, the underlying vector space is
A basis is indexed by
The multiplications
act on the basis by concatenating bit strings.
Example an example of an element in is
we see that is the vector space encoding non-normalized superpositions of many different qubit strings of different lengths.
The algebra structure acts on such a superposition by producing a new superposition encoding all possible concactentations of the input superposition of bit strings, in a -weighted way.
For example, two superpositions
multiply to
Hence, we can think of as an object encoding all states of a quantum computer, where the computer itself is thought of as a quantum object - that is, allowed to be in superposition.
Remark The way we’ll handle normalization is to remember an action by the stable unitary group .
Dual interpretation Now, there’s a dual interpretation of this data. An associative algebra is a discrete algebra. An -algebra is a locally-constant factorization algebra on the 1-dimensional line. Let’s talk about this in very concrete physical terms.
Imagine a quantum system on an open interval (open here just means we’re not talking about boundary conditions, yet). By a quantum system, we means something like the continuum limit of a 1-dimensional spin chain.
From this perspective, the data of an -multiplicative structure is instruction on how to build a state out of a length -sequence of states ,
In the explicit example that , the multiplicative structure provide instructions like
This gives us a natural setting to measure complexity of quantum states.
Some notation We’ve so far introduced two ways of thinking about the algebra
- As (states of a quantum computer, concactentation).
- We can think of this as “bottom-up”: how to assemble states
- As (states of a 1-dimenional material, forming tensor product states).
- We can think of this as “top-down”: how to decompose states.
We have the following generalizations of the above picture
- qubits over dimension .
- n = 2: anyons
- finite n: higher-dimensional anyons: “n dimensional time”
- : “universal statistics”
- Consider a thing built out of free algebras, but isn’t free: like a smooth or regular algebra. This kind of gluing data physically correspond to constraints in the system, background fields, baths, environments, or Hamiltonians.