Flat is flat over , which gives a calculation of its homotopy groups Hence, functions on flat are generating functions for stable homotopy groups. An homogenous element in degree 0 is a polynomial
This is data of a map of plain spectra , which is adjoint to a map of -groupoids That is, it’s the data of a virtual finite set for each . Hence, we see we’re encoding generating functions for homotopy-sensitive combinatorics using virtual finite sets.
The operation sending is implemented by a ring map, which is applied to the final map in going . Choosing another ring map That is, a point on , or a “character”, we get data which are homotopy-coherent instructions about how to substitute with another formula.
Taking into account the equivariance, functions on are scale-invariant generating functions on . This formulation suggests a categorification of this principle:
Sheaves on are scale-invariant generating functions on .
To make this precise,