- The free E1 algebra on a (connective for now) spectrum X could be thought of as Fock space of states in X. The underlying spectrum is a direct sum of 1-particle states, 2-particles states, 3-particle states, etc. The E1 structure is “concatenation of states”. That is, a 1-particle state followed by a 2-particle state concactenates to a 3 particle state. Observe that order matters, a priori.
- A strict orientation on a X is a map θ:HZ→X gives a lift of the free E1 algebra to an E−∞-algebra. This data exhibits the concatenation as equivariant with respect to all permutations of the labels.
- This has to do with trivializing symmetric group actions, therefore perhaps the statement is like “when spacetime is an ∞/derived, being “bosonic” or “fermionic” is extra data rather than property”.