thm - Koszul Duality exchanges invertibility and categorification
Background: Amitsur Filtration
Setup: Adams Completion via Descent
- be a stable presentably symmetric monoidal -category.
- be a map of algebra in .
Descent along the unit map gives a functor
lifting . admits a right adjoint , which reconstruct an object from descent data. The unit is said to implement -completion.
Amitsur Filtration The comonadic-reconstruction functor in general is given by totalization of a simplicial object. In particular, we can write
for some cosimplicial object , we defer to the paper of MNN for details. Partial totalization then give rise to a downward filtration on , which we’ll call the Amitsur filtration, denoted by
Explicit form of the filtration For the remainder we’ll on the case . MNN shows the following
- We get maps as . Iterating them gives this is the map appearing in the equation above.
Amitsur Cochains and Cotangent complex
TODO: add diagrams from our earlier notes on the subject
A simple diagram chase yields
Lemma Now we also have the following
Lemma Proof: Split the diagram using , compare fibers.
Now we recognize as the cotangent complex . Putting the two above lemmas together gives an identification
Action: Account for the degrees here carefully, does the degree shift indicate maybe we can recover this from THH?