An ensemble is data
- A set of microstates
- A set of macroscopic observables , . is a set.
- The set of macrostates is the product of all the target spaces for observables:
- The observables are collected into a map
- Given a macrostate , the fiber at , , encodes the space of all microstates corresponding to the macrostate . The cardinality of this space is a form of the entropy of the macrostate (we can then take log of this number to reproduce something proportional to Boltzman entropy).
The definition given above makes sense in any -category. For instance, if we work in the category of anima, we can count the “cardinality” of the fiber by using Euler characteristics on the K(n)-cohomology, and performing an appropriate sum (Yanovski’s form of Baez-Dolan homotopy cardinality).