Dark mode
Light mode
Chromatic Counting
Construction - Spherical height n dimension
Distribution of a pi-finite Anima
p-adic K(n) Euler Characteristic
2-categorical G_m reps
Descent over Cartier stack
Gregoric's Theorem
Intro - 2-categorical G_m reps
p-divisible moduli
Spectra as periodic 2-deformations
The Chromatic Picture
Algebraic Loop Spaces and Spherical Derived Traces
Background - Strictification as Trivialization
Basic Objects in Spherical Derived Geometry
Brauer groups for omega-monoids
Cartier dual is lattice of strict characters
Cartier duality of spherical group rings at higher height
constr - module omega-monoids
constr - unpointed toposic Koszul duality
Construction - periodic-fractal categories
defn - (formal) moduli-objects in a pointed category
defn - fractal infinity category
defn - functorial algebra tower
defn - moduli-completion of a category
defn - nilpotent maps of commutative ring spectra
Defn - omega-monoids
defn - Symtr(X, C), category of symmetries of an object
Defn - Tannakian completions
Defn- Tannakianization
defn-Koszul-formal neighborhoods
Filtrations as generating functions
formal codeformations as mapping spaces
Formal geometry of free algebras
Formal moduli via fractal infinity categories
free algebras lift to cospectrum objects
Global actions on topoi
Higher Strictification Data
Hodge-Tate comparison
Kodaira-Spencer spectra
Local dimensions in derived spherical geometry
Looping Formal Moduli via Hill-Lawson formula for pushouts
Matrix factorization - phenomenon and contexts
n-categories and Day convolution
Pontrajagin-Cartier duality for Spherical group rings
presentable E_n Morita theory
prop - suspension of natural numbers monoid
Questions around fractal categories
recollection - m-semiadditive higher categories
recollection - mode theory
recollection - synthetic spectra
Recollection - Traces and Prisms
recollection - transchromatic character theory
Spectral Superlines
Spherical Ring Stacks from moduli of n-elements
Stacks of Prismatic Forms
Thm - Amitsur Cochain as E_1 cotangent complex
thm - Koszul Duality exchanges invertibility and categorification
trans-categorical descent
background - thermal ensembles
Case Study - an algebra of qubit strings
Complexity of Quantum Information from Chromatic Homotopy theory
Fock Space and Strict Orientations
Paradigm - categories as systems
Relative quantum mechanics for any symmetry
Representations, omega-representations
Spherical Analytic Geometry
Strings of Qubits and Factorization Algebras
Chromatic Fields and Quantum Fields
lecture-complex orientations
Quasi-smoothness and microlocal geometry over the sphere
Refracting quantum bits along the sphere spectrum
Relationship Oriented Programming (ROP) via Infinity-Topoi
chromatic counting
Folder: chromatic-counting
4 items under this folder.
Apr 16, 2024
Chromatic Counting
Apr 16, 2024
Construction - Spherical height n dimension
Apr 16, 2024
Distribution of a pi-finite Anima
Apr 16, 2024
p-adic K(n) Euler Characteristic